Discover all our Molise Wines, Wines produced in Molise

Bixio has always been synonymous with Soave, over the years it has also evolved and extended to the area of the Arcole, and now it turns its gaze towards the south, in a region still little known, Molise.
In 2016, driven by the desire to diversify our wine production rooted in Veneto and to face a new challenge, we purchased about 15 hectares in Molise, a small region of central-southern Italy with great potential for the production of quality wines.
Biferino riserva
Biferino rosso riserva 2013
Grapes are produced from hillside vineyards, whose lands are at an altitude of no more than 500...
Cerbero Aglianico riserva
Cerbero Aglianico riserva
Grapes are produced from hillside vineyards, mainly in calcareous soils. The training system...
Pinot Grigio
Pinot Grigio terre degli osci
Grapes are produced from hillside vineyards, whose lands are at an altitude of no more than 500...